Bicycle Parking on Campus

You can park your bike at any of the open bike racks. The open racks are purchased by UPD Parking Services and maintained by 菠菜网lol正规平台 Facilities Development and Operation (FD&O).

For additional security, you can park your bike at any of the six on campus Bicycle Enclosures managed by AS Transportation Solutions. There are Bike lockers within the enclosures that are also available to rent. Bike parking is for daily use. Overnight parking or long term storage is not allowed. Visit our bicycle enclosure page for information on how to get an access key.

Note: It is illegal to lock bicycles to the bike enclosure fence, railings, benches, poles, trees, tables, or park bikes anywhere that might block an entrance/ exit to a building, office, or area. The University Police will impound the bikes in violation.

Although the Bicycle Enclosures at 菠菜网lol正规平台 provide an additional layer of security, bicycle owners are responsible for appropriately securing their bike inside the enclosures. Lock your bicycle using a solid U-lock. Most bike thefts occur on bicycles with weaker cable locks. Watch this video to learn how to properly lock your bike using a U-Lock.

For bike commuters who are looking for showers, students have free access to the Spartan Recreation and Aquatic Center (SRAC) and all faculty, staff, and students can utilize the showers and lockers in the Kinesiology department in Spartan Complex (SPX 128) which are open during regular business hours. Faculty and staff can pay to access the SRAC. For more information about SRAC rates, vist their website.