About Tony Kemmochi, PsyD

 Tony hanging off a cliff

Post- Doctorial Intern at 菠菜网lol正规平台 Counseling Services

Educational Background

  • PsyD Clinical Psychology (2012)
  • MA in Clinical Psychology (2009)
  • MS in Sports Psychology (2005)
  • BS in Athletic Training/Sports Medicine (2003)

 Past Therapy/Counseling Experience

  • 菠菜网lol正规平台 Counseling Services (Current):
    Individual, couple, & group counseling, workshop, presentation, outreach, & consultation.
  • Medical Hill Rehabilitation Center (Oakland, 2010-2011):
    Primarily worked with patients with severe mental illnesses.
  • New Leaf (San Francisco, 2009-2010): 
    Provision of mental health services to LGBTQQIA fellows in San Francisco.
  • Crisis Support Services (Alameda County, 2008-2009): 
    Crisis hotline, school counseling, senior counseling, & grief counseling.

Brief Bio

I am a therapist. I am Japanese. I am an international student. I am a poet. I am an athlete. I am a son. I am a brother. I am an uncle. I am... We are never just one thing. We often talk about our "identity" in singular term, but the truth is, we have many "identities" that make us "whole."

Sometimes, it is not easy to be all that we are in this world. I have witnessed many who suffered from discrimination, intolerance, prejudice, and hatred. It is my passion to help people reclaim their identities. This is certainly not a new movement; it is one which has been passed onto us by our forerunners.

And, that gives us yet another identity because, in so many ways, we are already the dream they saw. And, we carry on their dream by the way we live, by the way we love. So, let's dream together; let's make them come true, here at San José State, here in our awesome group!