General POI Help and FAQs
- What do I do if I need to end/inactivate a POI appointment early?
Email with the Name, Employee ID, Department Name, and the New End Date. Please indicate Early Termination in the subject line.
- How long does it take for UP to process a POI appointment?
Please give University Personnel at least 10 business days prior to the expected start date. It might take longer if there is a background check required. As the form must be signed by multiple people/departments before it reaches UP for final approval, please factor in extra time for the form to be completed. UP accepts forms up to one month in advance.
- When you extend or reappoint a POI, do I have to submit the documents again?
Yes, we require the POI request form to be submitted for extensions and to reappoint a POI.
- How do I get an Employee ID for my POI?
After the UP Volunteer Appointments Team keys the appointment in PeopleSoft, the Employee ID will be entered on the Person of Interest approved form. It is located on the last page of the form.
- How long does it take for my POI to get an 菠菜网lol正规平台 email?
It typically takes 2-3 days for an email to get created from the date the POI’s appointment is active in PeopleSoft. It is based on the start date of the POI’s appointment.
- How does my POI set up their 菠菜网lol正规平台One account to use their email?
See the Login Guide for First-Time Users page for information on how first-time users can activate their account.
- How do I get a Tower ID card for my POI?
- Upload a recent photo to:
- Fill out the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Tower (ID) Card Mailing Request Form (Please note you will need to upload your approved Person of Interest (POI) Request Form)
- Once the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Tower (ID) Card Mailing Request Form is completed, University Personnel will verify that your appointment is entered in PeopleSoft
- University Personnel will mail the card to the address listed on the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Tower (ID) Card Mailing Request Form. If you prefer to pick up your card, please email UP at to schedule a pick up time
- How do I get training to learn how to enter POIs?
- If we need assistance on processing a POI, how can we get help?